Dismissal for Kindergarten, First Grade, and their Siblings
You will need to enter the same entrance in the front of the high school. No one should enter through the middle school gate or our gate. Stay in the center or left lane, go past the side of the high school and proceed to the lanes in front of the middle and elementary school. Do not arrive before 2:55pm or you will be in the middle school car line. If you arrive early, because you have both middle school and lower elementary, create a double line by the side of the high school and wait. Leave the third lane open near the high school and wait at that intersection until 3:00pm, then pull up to the edge of the middle school office. Merge into one lane as you exit and make right turns only.
You must have your blue car tag, or you will have to pull off and go to the office so we can see your ID.
Dismissal for Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades
You need to enter the same entrance in the front of the high school. No one should enter through the middle school gate or our gate. Proceed behind the high school and stay in the center or right lane. At the break off, go to the right and proceed behind the airnasium just as you do in the morning drop off. We will not move cars until 3:30pm. If buses are stil in line, go through parking area and merge in front. If no buses are there, proceed down the street in a single lane to stop sign, merge with VPK, Kindergarten, and First Grade pick up and make right turn. Buses will be on the inside lane; use right lane. Please only use parking lot if lane is blocked by bus.
If you get in wrong line you will have to exit, and proceed to the correct spot. Make sure you have your Yellow Pick Up Car Tag. If you do not have your tag, you will be asked to park and go to the front office so we can see your ID.